When you are ready to commence the analysis phase of your research, the Tags functionality allows you to label / code responses.
Creating, Adding & Removing Tags
Downloading the Tag Cloud or list of Tags
Intro Video
Creating, Adding & Removing Tags
Clicking on the Tag button or the Tag tab will display a tab where you can add / remove Tags to responses.
To create a new tag:
1. Type in what you would like the label to be
2. Click the “Add” button
The tag then gets added to the list and will be in pink.
When tags are in pink, it means they have been assigned to the selected upload.
When tags are in grey, it means that they exist and have been used elsewhere in the project.
To re-use an existing tag:
Click on any grey tag to turn it pink
To remove a tag from an upload:
Click on any pink tag to turn it grey
Filtering by Tag
Once Tags are added, they will automatically appear in the Tag filter. To filter by tag:
1. Select one or more Tags from the filter
2. Choose the “OR” option if you want to display responses which have at least one of the Tag you wish to select.
3. Choose “AND” if you want to display responses which contain all of the Tags you wish to select. Then click on the Search icon.
Managing/ Editing Tags
You can edit, merge or delete Tags from the Tag Cloud view.
IMPORTANT! The modification you are going to make on Tags will only affect the responses that match the filters selected.
In order to apply changes to all tags in a Project, please use only the ‘Project’ filter.
Click on the three dots next to the tag that you want to edit / merge or delete.
This allows you to change the label of tag. Simply type in the “Proposed Tag” field, the new version of the tag you want.
This allows you to merge 2 tag series together.
Choose the tag you want to replace - “current tag”. Then, select an existing tag in ‘Proposed tag’. ‘Proposed tag’ will be the tag that replaces the current tag.
Please note that the modification you are going to make on Tags will only affect the responses that match the filters selected. In order to apply changes to all tags in a Project, please use only the ‘Project’ filter.
Click the “...” 3 dots next to the tag, and click ‘Delete’.
Useful tags to consider
Colleague/ Client Debriefs
If there are particular photos or videos you want to include in your debrief, add the tag “debrief” to the relevant Response. When it comes to the debrief, select the "debrief” from the Tag filter to display the responses which you need to download for the presentation.
Creating Image Collages
To create collages for presentations, add the tag "collage" the posts you wish your client to see and then filter on the "collage". You can then screen shot the collage and edit it using your computer’s graphics package.
For more on the collage view, click here: Collage View
Downloading the Tag Cloud or list of Tags
In order to export the Tag data from:
- In the Tag Cloud view, make sure you have filtered to the information you need to export (for example by project or task etc) and then click on the Search Icon.
- You can export the list of keywords to Excel by clicking 'Export' and selecting 'Tags to Excel'
- You can export the word cloud image by clicking 'Download' button on the image.