This guide outlines how to manage your respondents by checking registration status, editing respondent details, searching/ filtering, adding Alias', sending Reminders, removing respondents, export Respondents view data.

Moderators, Recruiters and Project Owners have access to the 'Respondents' view on the Indeemo Dashboard. 

Observers do not see this screen.

Registration status

Once respondents have registered and login to the Indeemo App:

  • Their status will change to the green 'Registered' status
  • Their names will automatically populate on the left
  • You will see either a Phone or Envelope icon on the right
    • Phone icon: Indicates respondents have enable their push notifications for the Indeemo app
    • Envelope icon: Indicates respondents have not enabled their push notifications and therefore any notifications will be send to their email address instead

Edit Respondent details

You can edit the First Name, Last Name and Email Address of Respondents.

(Observers only see the Respondent's First Name and Last Name initial.)

These edits will NOT be visible to the Respondent.

Hover your mouse over the first name, last name or email and click on the pencil icon to edit.

You can edit the First Name at any time but please note that any edits to the First Name will be visible to the Respondents in any emails or push notification reminders.

Email address: 

The Email address can only be edited before the Respondent has registered

You can use this in situations where the respondent has registered with a different email or you made a typo in the email when you added it to the dashboard.

If the Respondent has registered with a different email, simply change the email to the one they registered with and ask them to restart the Indeemo app. 

This will automatically link them to your project.

Search/ filter on Respondents view

Use the drop down filters and click Search to search for Respondents by Project, by Target, by their name, Alias or Registration status. 

Alias for Respondents

Alias allows you to add segmentations or unique/ alternate identifiers to each respondent.

  1. It will appear next to the respondent's name on each upload they submit.
  2. You can filter by Alias using the Respondents filter on the Dashboard. 

Moderators, Recruiters and Observers can see a respondent's alias.

Add Alias

1. Click on “Add Alias” next to the relevant respondent.

2. Type the alias and click 'Save'. 

You can add multiple by simply adding a comma ( , ) between each Alias. 

Edit/ Remove Alias

1. Click on the edit/ pencil icon next to the Alias.

2. Edit/remove as needed and click 'Save'. 

Send Reminders (Individual or Group)

Individual Reminders

On 'Respondents' view:

Step 1: Find your respondent and click 'Remind' at the right of the screen.

Step 2: Add your message (we recommend customizing it!) and click 'Send'.

On the right, you will see a Reminder history (all messages sent to a respondent). 

Group Reminders

On 'Respondents' view:

Step 1: Choose respondents

  1. Select the respondents by using the checkboxes on the left side of the screen, then click on Group Reminder button.
  2. Using the Select All check box will select all respondents within a target group

You can send a generic reminder/ message and the system will populate each respondent's name. 

Indeemo Tip: Use Reminders to increase engagement on your project.

Remove/Delete Respondents

Before Respondent registers: 

On 'Respondents' view, hover your mouse over the respondent's email and click on the delete/ trash can icon. 

After Respondent registers:

  • If you use the above delete option, this will fully remove them from the system and they will need to re-register. 
  • If you need to move a respondent to another target group, contact [email protected]
  • If you wish to remove a respondent, ensure to expressly communicate this to the respondent prior to removing.

After respondent begins uploading: 

  • If you use the above delete option, this will fully remove them from the system and all of their submitted uploads and they will need to re-register. 
  • If you need to move a respondent to another target group, contact [email protected]
  • If you wish to remove a respondent, ensure to expressly communicate this to the respondent prior to removing.

Export Respondents view data

In order to export the data from the Respondents view, please:

1. Choose your project from the project filter, click search. 

2. Click 'Excel' to export.

This export contains the following for each respondent:  Project, Target Group, EmailFirst NameLast NameAlias added, Total Uploads,  Number of Photos, Videos and Notes, date of Last UploadRegistration status, as well as all Reminders sent.