Observers are your clients or colleagues that should have ‘Read- only’ access to your project on Indeemo. 

Only the Project Owner can Invite, Manage and remove Observers.

  • Each project can have only one Project Owner however you can easily move this permission to a colleague: Changing Project Owner

What will Observers see?

Observers only see the ‘Dashboard’ view.

They do not see  Respondents Last Name or email and cannot Comment on or Tag responses, or Export data.

Here is an overview of Observer permissions: Roles & Permissions

There are 2 ways to access the Invite Observers view via the 'Manage Projects' on your Indeemo Dashboard.

1. Click on the 3 dots and choose 'Invite Observers'

2. Click on the 3 dots and then choose ‘Edit Project’ or directly click the pencil icon.

Step 2: On the left side of your screen, you will see the Sidebar/ Navigation of your project. 

Click on Step 5 - “Manage Observers” and then the ‘Manage Observers’ button. 

Invite Observers

 Read the Privacy acknowledgement and then add Observers email (1 email address per line).

An invitation email is automatically sent by [email protected] with a registration link. 

Manage Observers

When inviting your Observers, by default they are given access to all Target Groups within this project.

After inviting your Observer(s), you can adjust which Target Groups they can see. 

Next, select some or all of the Observers you'd like to adjust access for and click next:

Here you can choose the relevant Target Groups for each Observer then click Save.

If you remove un-check all Target Groups, the Observer will be removed. 

If new Target Groups are added to your project after you invite an Observer, the Observer will automatically be given access to the new Target Groups.

Please provide your Observer with the following help center link: Observer Help Center

If you’d like Indeemo to run a short presentation and/or training session for your end client/ observers, please contact Indeemo Account Manager or [email protected].