For more on when and why respondents might use the browser version of Indeemo, please visit: Respondents using Indeemo via Desktop/ Browser

Please see below a sample invite email that Recruiters/ Moderators should send to Respondents with instructions the Respondents need to register to use Indeemo via their browser/ Desktop only.

Please copy/ paste the text below, edit as required and email the Respondents (from your own/ the Recruiters e-mail) once you are ready to invite them to the project.

IMPORTANT! This can only be sent after Respondents emails have been added to Indeemo via the Respondents view. 

Please find those steps here: Inviting & Managing Respondents

If you have any questions, please email us as [email protected].

Hi _________,

Thanks for agreeing to take part in our research project. We’re looking forward to working with you.

As part of this project, you will need to use a website called Indeemo. 

To access Indeemo, please follow these 3 steps:

  • Open the following registration link on your computer on Google Chrome
  • Register with the email address that we used to send you this email. 
  • Choose a password that has a minimum of 8 characters.

  1. Once registered, click 'Log in on this Computer'. 
  1. Log in to Indeemo using this email address and your chosen password.

If you need any help, please reply to this email.

